Sunday, April 20, 2008

Are We Graded??

These statement is from 'The Star' newspaper, last Friday,18 April 2008. The headline made me interested to read it.."WHAT MAKES A GRADE A?" from Wong Sai Wan. This story was told by Danny Zhong, a tour guide in Shanghai, who has a wealth of information about China's dynamic city, especially its people.

Did you know that in China, Shanghainese men are considered the best husbandsin the world???WOW!!Is it true??Let's find out guyzz..

A woman who marries a Shanghainese man does not have to do any house work. It is very expensive in Shanghai, and men here do their very best to keep their wives happy. The men will rush home from work to cook dinner, wash the clothes and clean the house. The men are worried that if their wives are unhappy they will demand all sorts of things, from new clothes to jewellery, and these things are very expensive in Shanghai.Furthermore, wives of Shanghainese men were doubly lucky their husbands do not go out at night, as they cannot afford to do so in this expensive city.

Besides, Shanghai men and women were also graded based on their position and potential.owh..really???
  • Grade A woman is the one who has married a rich foreigner, obtained a foreign passport, lives overseas and come back occasionally.
  • Grade B is a woman who is married to a rich local man, especially one who owns a public- listed company and lives the life of a tai-tai.(~~~what is it??~)
  • Grade C women are those married to men holding high positions in a multinational company(MNC) in China.
  • Grade D women are working professionals and not married.
  • The rest of the women do not even qualify to be graded.
What about men??haaa..check it out!!
  • Grade A are those who own public-listed companies.
  • Grade B hold high positions in MNCs.
  • Grade C are the professionals working in local companies.
Malaysians??are we being graded as well??~~
  • Grade A Malaysian woman would be the one who is independent and has enough money to not have to depeend on any man. BUT i she is married, it would be to a doting, RICH husband.
  • Grade B would be those who married rich husbands and who do not have to work
  • Grade C would be married, but need to work.
  • There is no Grade D Malaysian woman.
How about Malaysian men?Who would fit the Grade A category??mmm.."someone said that 50% of Malaysian men are married, 30% cannot bee trusted and the rest are gay!!"
  • Those who are married to Grade A women are the Grade A men.
Malaysia was a diverse country and it would be difficult to come out with a proper grading system. Young women here have difficulty finding life partners, they nonetheless felt that it was just fine to be single.

p/s: me?? u guess????


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